A love story for four girl and boy. The Orange Story

A love story for four girl and boy. The Orange Story

 Once upon a time, in a small town, there were four best friends - Ava, Emily, Lily, and Mia. They had been friends since childhood and did everything together. They shared their secrets, dreams, and ambitions, and always stood by each other's side.

One day, they met a new boy in town - Jake. He was charming, handsome, and had a smile that could light up the whole town. Ava, Emily, Lily, and Mia were all smitten by Jake's charm, and they all secretly had a crush on him.

Jake was new in town, and he didn't know anyone except the four girls. They welcomed him with open arms, and he quickly became a part of their group. The girls would often hang out with Jake and show him around the town.

As time passed, Jake started to develop feelings for all four girls. He was confused and didn't know what to do. He didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings and didn't want to ruin the friendship they all shared.

One day, Jake decided to talk to Ava, Emily, Lily, and Mia individually to tell them how he felt. He explained that he had developed feelings for all four of them and didn't know what to do. The girls were surprised, but they all appreciated Jake's honesty.

After a lot of thinking, the four girls decided to give Jake a chance, but under one condition - he had to promise that he wouldn't hurt anyone's feelings and would be honest with all of them.

Jake agreed, and their love story began. Jake would take each girl out on a date, and they would spend time together as a group. They all enjoyed each other's company and loved spending time together.

As time passed, Jake realized that he loved all four girls, and he didn't want to choose between them. He decided to talk to the girls about his feelings, and they all agreed to try a polyamorous relationship.

At first, it was hard for them to navigate their new relationship, but with time, they all adjusted. They had their ups and downs, but they always communicated and worked through their problems together.

The town was not used to seeing a relationship like this, and some people judged them. But the four girls and Jake didn't care. They loved each other, and that was all that mattered.

Years went by, and they all graduated from high school and moved to different parts of the world to pursue their dreams. They continued their polyamorous relationship, and it became stronger with each passing day.

Finally, on a beautiful summer day, Jake proposed to all four girls. It was a beautiful moment, and they all said yes. They decided to have a unique wedding, and they all walked down the aisle together, holding hands.

Their love story was unconventional, but it was pure and true. They proved that love knows no boundaries and that you can love more than one person at the same time. They lived happily ever after, and their love story became a legend in their town.